Friday, November 11, 2011

Animals and Pancakes, What a Week!

This week we learned about taking care of our pets. We had a mom who works in an animal hospital visit our class and she told us important facts to keep our pets safe.
We also made shape pancakes, and they were delicious!
We made circles, rectangles, triangles, stars, and heart pancakes.
Students made zoos for the anmals in the block area this week.
Building tall towers is always a challenge.
Our housekeeping area was the Animal Clinic this week.
We had many sick animals.

Our kids can work 24 piece puzzles independently.
We have a new Clifford CD.
Our computer is always a favorite.
Searching for tiny animals in the sand is lots of fun.
Next week we are making goop, playing with ice, and the big favorite....
Pre-k Family Fall Feast!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Balloons and Bubbles

Our Pre-k class just started our 3rd unit!
How time flies when children are learning and having fun.
This unit is called Wind and Water and deals wind,water, with weather.
We have been going on Weather Walks everyday,
sometimes it warm and sometimes it's cold and windy.
We have seen what the wind does to balloons and bubbles.
These are two inexpensive items that children love to play with.
CAUTION: Do NOT allow children to blow up balloons, it is a huge choking hazard, or allow them to play with balloons without supervision.
Picnic snack time and balloon playing, what a way to end the week!

Moms and kids are having so much fun.

Bubbles can be played indoors and out, they are just lots of fun!

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy this wonderful weather.