Friday, February 17, 2012

Ice Cream Sundae Party, Shiny/Dull Crowns, Dress Up and Glitter Playdough

We had a terrific week!
On Tuesday our students and parents enjoyed an ice cream sundae Valentine's Party. Parents were wonderful to bring all the toppings for our sundaes.

We started our 5th unit, Shadows and Reflections, and made crowns with shiny and dull items, we wore them to lunch.

Dress up clothes have been added to the Housekeeping area.

On our half day we made lemon yellow glitter play dough.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Fun Furry Animals

Today we had furry visitors in our classroom.
Reuben, my mini-schnauzer, loves to visit our classroom.
We also had a small hamster, Angel, visit too!
Our children were so sweet and helpful with the animals.
We hope to have other animals visit us soon.